platform for reform

Below is my platform, the plan for action that I will advocate for on your behalf in Washington D.C.  It is a detailed approach to deal with what I believe are the core problems that are afflicting us today, and which emanate from Washington D.C.  I hope that these proposals provide you the information needed to form a conclusion about whether I am capable of representing you in the U.S. Senate. 

  1. I will not vote for any budget or spending bill which does not proceed through the legislative process under “Regular Order.”
  2. I will not vote for any budget or spending bill which does not reduce the budget deficit relative to the prior year’s budgeted and/or approved spending levels.
  3. I will not vote for any legislation which increases the Federal government’s debt level that does not include fundamental budget and spending reforms which are designed to eliminate chronic Federal deficits and ever-increasing levels of debt.
  4. I will propose comprehensive reform of the Budget and Accounting Act that will both eliminate government shutdowns and exert pressure on elected officials to comply with budgeting legislation. This reform will include the following provisions:
    1. In the first year after the expiration of the prior year’s budget without passage of a new budget, the government shall continue to operate at the prior year’s spending levels without any baseline increases in spending levels.
    2. In the second year after the expiration of the most recently approved budget without passage of a new budget, the government shall continue to operate at the spending levels specified in the last approved budget reduced by 1% across all levels of government.
    3. In the third year after the expiration of the most recently approved budget without passage of a new budget, the government shall cease all operations until a new budget has been passed, excepting departments which have been defined as critical to National security which shall continue to operate at spending levels specified in the last approved budget.
    4. For purposes of the Budget and Accounting Act, an approved budget shall be defined as a budget and/or appropriation bill which is passed by both chambers of Congress and signed by the President, and which was moved through Congress under “Regular Order.” Continuing resolutions shall not be used in lieu of approved budgets passed under Regular Order.
  5. I will propose comprehensive reform of the Administrative Procedures Act designed to strengthen representative government and weaken the administrative state. This reform will include the following provisions:
    1. No Executive department or agency may propose any rules that are not expressly authorized via legislation. Authorizations granting departments authority to produce rules shall not satisfy this requirement.
    2. No executive department or agency may implement any rule which imposes financial, administrative, or criminal penalties on any American citizen unless those penalties have been expressly approved by both chambers of the Legislature. The head of any department or agency who violates the provisions of this requirement shall be subject to removal from office and subsequent civil/criminal actions. 
    3. Within two years following the passage of this reform, all executive departments and agencies shall review all regulations they currently administer and/or enforce and document the express legislative authorization making these rules legal. If rules which exceed the administrative state’s authorities are discovered, they shall either submit the regulation to the Legislature for approval or strike the rule from the Code of Federal Regulations. Any rule which is not approved by the Legislature within two years after submission shall be stricken from the federal register.
  6. I will propose the formation of a joint committee whose function shall be to establish a “Generally Accepted Accounting Practices-Government” which shall establish accounting procedures for the government. These procedures shall follow the current Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) used in the private sector modified as necessary to accommodate for the differences between the government and private sectors, but which still satisfies the requirement of providing transparency into the financial activities of the Federal Government.  The GAAP-G shall be applied to all government accounting processes in the year following the adoption of this accounting standard. Any Executive department or agency head (Secretary, Chairperson, Administrator, or any other title assigned to the head of a Federal department or agency) who fails to comply with the accounting standards specified in the GAAP-G shall be subject to the same civil and criminal penalties applied to private sector accounting non-compliance. 
  7. Regarding treaties, any agreement reached between the United States and any foreign government which is not completely administrative in nature shall be considered by me to be a “TREATY” and subject to the ratification process specified in the Constitution. To be “completely administrative in nature,” an agreement with a foreign government shall not: a) bind the American People or their government to take any action, or future action, b) require future actions of any government personnel without the express approval of the President of the United States and/or the U.S. Congress, or c) which places any requirements/restrictions on any individual or group of American citizens. Any President who implements any or the provisions of any treaty without Senate ratification shall be considered to be in violation of their oath of office and subject to appropriate action by the Legislature.
  8. With regard to the enforcement of U.S. laws, I will consider the failure of the President or any Executive officer to faithfully execute the laws of the United States to be in violation of their oaths of office and subject to appropriate action by the Legislature. The President shall have temporary authority to not enforce U.S. law under the following two conditions:
    1. If a President cannot execute a law because the Legislature has failed to provide the resources needed to execute the law, then the President shall notify Congress both of the inability to enforce the specific law in question and simultaneously specify the additional resources needed. Congress shall then pass legislation providing the resources specified, or it shall provide guidance to the President specifying how previously provided resources shall be reprioritized to meet the requirements of the law. Failure of Congress to satisfy either of these two requirements shall allow the President to continue non-enforcement of the specific law in question until adequate resources are provided. 
    2. If a President cannot execute a law over concern the law is in violation of the U.S. Constitution, the President shall: a) inform the Congress of this view and simultaneously direct the Department of Justice to take the appropriate action necessary to adjudicate the Constitutionality of the law, or b) submit legislation to the Congress to have the law repealed or changed. If the law is not repealed or changed, or if it is found Constitutional by the Judicial Branch, the President shall enforce the law or be subject to appropriate action by the Legislature.
  9. I will present myself to the Missouri Legislature in a manner and frequency specified by the Missouri Legislature for a parliamentary style “Questions” session in an attempt to restore some of the Missouri Legislature’s influence over the Senate which was lost with the passage of the 17th Amendment to the Constitution. The 17th Amendment required the popular election of U.S. Senators, a change which disturbed the Constitution balance of powers between the Federal government and the States, transferring much of the power reserved to the States to the Federal government. By presenting myself to the Missouri Legislature to answer “Questions”, I intend to restore to the Missouri Legislature some of the power it lost with the passage of the 17th Amendment. This voluntary action will achieve that objective without requiring the repeal of the 17th Amendment. I will request the frequency of these “Questions” sessions to be no more than one session a quarter, and no less than semi-annually.   
  10. I will introduce amendments to Sec. 230 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to prevent any firm that benefits from this legislative provision to engage in activities that: a) restricts any American Citizen’s ability to engage in free speech on any service provided by any firm operating under Section 230, or b) directly or indirectly threaten any American Citizen’s ability to express their views on any topic on same services.


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