Here I provide Bullet’s Fundamental Rules of Government. These are not “rules for government” specifying how I believe government should behave, but rather rules predicting how government will behave or act, thus “rules of government.” Over the years they were expanded to include observations of American society as well as how to address some of the perceived weaknesses.
Here is a document I titled, “What I Believe”. In these statements I am sharing with you my values, thus making this a Statement of My Values. I hope these can provide the citizens of Missouri with a sufficient understanding of who I am and what I believe in to allow you to make an informed decision about whether I should represent you in the U.S. Senate.
Here I take the unusual step for a senatorial candidate of providing you my platform, the plan for action that I will advocate for on your behalf in Washington D.C. It is a detailed approach to deal with what I believe are the core problems that are afflicting us today, and which emanate from Washington D.C. I hope that these proposals provide you the information needed to decide whether I am capable of representing you in the U.S. Senate.
Below is my published Doctoral Dissertation. Click the link below to download the document.